Decide when and where you want the oil. On commodity exchanges, oil is purchased in the form of a derivative, which is a promise to deliver a certain amount of oil on a certain date for a certain price. In many places, such as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, oil derivatives are traded on a physical floor, like stocks. Buyers who need crude oil as a raw material, on the other hand, such as refinery companies, can ensure they have adequate future supplies and lock in favorable pricing. For buyers, the finances of futures work in the opposite direction. Rising prices give them a financial credit, while falling prices cost them. Buy Real Time Quotes. Welcome to WTI Crude Oil Futures. Whether you are a new trader looking to get started in futures, or an experienced trader looking for a better way to hedge crude oil, NYMEX WTI Light Sweet Crude Oil futures are the most efficient way to trade today’s global oil markets.